Belle Île - Groix: consultation for floating wind farms

I hope none of you washed up on the Covid archipelago!
Since you have some time while you wait to service your boats, I suggest that you read the attached summary, which presents, in a way that is more or less affordable to the layman, this wind energy project floating at sea.
For your information, the project off the coast of Oleron, which was the subject of a pre-consultation in 2017, has been "laid" ( and generates the usual opposition (
I thought I read somewhere that it would be "flattened" to get it away from the coast and maybe turn it into a float, but I couldn't find any reliable information on the subject.
Everyone can give their individual or collective (associative) opinion on the one off the coast of Morbihan.
With regard to the FNPA of which the UNAN CM is a member, I think that the UPPM is the most concerned entity and I intend to coordinate with its president (Jean-Claude FAVERIS in copy of this e-mail) to make one (or more) "homogeneous" answer(s).
Please do not hesitate, therefore, to send me any comments you may have.